Image Recommender

Image recommender is a custom-built application that searches similar photos of a given photo, based on the artistic style of the photo, as well as the content present in that photo.


Image recommender is a custom-built application that searches similar photos of a given photo, based on the artistic style of the photo, as well as the content present in that photo. It is similar with what Google image search does, but for visual arts and creative industries. The Image Recommender can be used in any field where similar pictures need to be identified from a known set. The system uses an approach based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The image recommender is our state-of-the art technology in the field of image recognition.

image recommender.jpg

At its core, the image recommender system runs in two phases:

Features are learned in three multi-layer CNNs (art-style, content, style) and then combined in one large feature-vector (meta-descriptor) which is further used for computing the image similarities

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